CREATION Life, it's all about better choices. rest. environment. activity. trust in God. interpersonal relationships. outlook. nutrition.

The Father-Daughter Duo Who Became Marathon Runners, Against All Odds

April 21st, 2017|Categories: Fitness, Lifestyle|

Les Frederick is my accountant. A Yale graduate, he runs a very successful CPA firm in Seattle, WA and has a daughter named Laura who is in her 30s. Les told me that she’s mentally [...]

The Science of What Makes Us Happy: From Hedonism to Edenism

December 19th, 2016|Categories: Lifestyle, Spirituality|

In a results-driven society like ours, happiness is generally dismissed as secondary to the more “important” things in life like our careers, relationships and health. Work those things out and happiness will find you. In [...]