CREATION Life, it's all about better choices. rest. environment. activity. trust in God. interpersonal relationships. outlook. nutrition.

Canning and Safety

The purpose of canning is obviously to preserve food for later consumption. In terms of safety, the same things that cause foods to spoil (such as molds or bacteria) are […]

How to Become a Morning Person

Are you familiar with the health benefits of rising early in the morning? Numerous studies conducted on the subject have concluded that early risers tend to feel more in control […]

The Power of Positive Thinking!

The ancient Greeks used to think that the mind was physically located in the heart. While they were wrong about that, there is a strong mind-body connection that is finally […]

Summer Activities to Get Kids Moving

Activity is very important for children. One of the contributors to the obesity epidemic is lack of activity. There are multiple factors that contribute to children not moving: lack of […]

What To Do About Back Pain, Part 2

The irony of pain meds As mentioned in Part 1, the human body has the incredible ability to adapt to opiates (pain medications), causing one to take higher and higher […]