CREATION Life, it's all about better choices. rest. environment. activity. trust in God. interpersonal relationships. outlook. nutrition.

CREATION Life webinar – Life Changing Knowledge For a Happier You!

CREATION Life’s next webinar is presented on a Zoom virtual workshop format, with 8 sessions held over 8 weeks on Tuesdays from March 30th through May 18th. These workshops promote wellness and life style changes and include healthy meal preparation demonstrations. These sessions can be accessed on computers, smart phones and tablets using the web-based Zoom […]


CREATION Life webinar – Life Changing Knowledge For a Happier You!

CREATION Life’s next webinar is presented on a Zoom virtual workshop format, with 8 sessions held over 8 weeks on Tuesdays from March 30th through May 18th. These workshops promote wellness and life style changes and include healthy meal preparation demonstrations. These sessions can be accessed on computers, smart phones and tablets using the web-based Zoom […]
