• CREATION Life Seminar Interactive On-Line Workshop • Presented on the Zoom Interactive Website Platform
CREATION Life’s next webinar is presented on a Zoom virtual workshop format, with 8 sessions held over 8 weeks on Tuesdays from March 30th through May 18th. These workshops promote wellness and life style changes and include healthy meal preparation demonstrations. These sessions can be accessed on computers, smart phones and tablets using the web-based Zoom platform and are interactive workshops allowing for questions and answers.
Seminar cost is $29.
Day: TBD
Time: TBD
Date: TBD
Forgive to Live Seminar Interactive On-Line Workshop.
Presented on the Zoom Platform.
Check back with us for updates on dates and times for these six life changing sessions presented over 6 weeks. Forgive to Live Seminar focuses on the price we all pay when we fail to forgive, and the benefits you personally can expect by practicing forgiveness. These interactive workshops will be presented in a virtual workshop format and can be accessed on computers, smart phones and tablets using the web-based Zoom platform and are interactive workshops allowing for questions and answers. Seminar fee is $15.00.